Cornerstone Bakery & Restaurant

E-Commerce, Live Site, Restaurant

Cornerstone is a family owned bakery and restaurant in Swansea, MA. This site includes 6 pages with features like an online menu and ordering for their Sweet Bread deliveries.

Cornerstone Bakery & Restaurant’s online operations were spread between two different platforms, PopMenu (homepage/online menu) and Ecwid (E-commerce), both of which didn’t meet their needs. Their e-commerce set up was too cumbersome and had too many manual entry steps which lead to user errors.

The goals:

  • A website they could fully control and edit easily.
  • Consolidate the shipping process and automate where possible
  • Have the whole process take place in the website’s back-end; no need to log in to another platform

I rebuilt their site using Elementor Pro, Hello Theme, using Elementor’s Theme Builder, WooCommerce custom CSS, and redesigned their logo. This allowed them to chose the site’s design, and with some training easily make common changes themselves.

On the WooCommerce orders page they can now:

  • View Item quantities for each order without opening them (custom coded)
  • Print a pick list to easily see the total item quantities needed to fulfill all orders
  • Generate shipping labels, print them, and request a pick up

This cut out all the manual entry they previously had to do, dropping their order processing time by 75%. Using Advanced Custom Fields, and custom posts types, I set up views based on the user’s role. This creates a less cluttered view for employees and restricted access to only necessary menus. I now provide general maintenance (backups, software updates, uptime monitoring, etc) for the site and continue to work with them on planning their next steps to improve their online presence.

Plugins & Technologies used: