I built a visually engaging e-commerce site for Claire Munley’s art business, Blue Moon Maker Shoppe. The website showcases Claire’s art, including custom commission paintings, silkscreen designs, and pet memorial portraits. To streamline the online store, I integrated WooCommerce with Printify for seamless product management and fulfillment. Additional sections include
Sicklers Brand is a company dedicated to supporting individuals with sickle cell by educating the community and medical professionals. They also offer quality scrubs and medical wear, through their website. They needed a website transformation which Dane Digi delivered on. This is what the owner had to say in his
This homepage design was made with breweries in mind. It features a section on the taproom and call to action for booking a tour in the hero section. A site like this could dynamically display featured drinks with many sorting options, including a manual or custom option.
This is a homepage mockup for an E-Commerce site. This layout is versatile and could be customized to be used with almost any E-Commerce website. The idea of this site is a brand that sells products online but also has a cause worth donating to, hence the “donate to us”
Spiritgun.net is a 2-page website created for Rhode Island-based Pianist, Jeremy Ferreira. This site serves as his digital business card with plans to add a portfolio to showcase his talent. This site was built with Elementor using their “Wedding Photographer” template, and converted from Elementor’s Sections to the Flexbox Containers
All Purpose Solutions is a professional cleaning service provider with over 20 years of experience in healthcare and commercial cleaning in Polk County, Florida. This is a one-page site with a contact form to capture potential lead information and promote their services. The goal of All Purpose Solutions was to